When traveling there are certain sites to see, sure, but you may have as much fun walking around the streets of Rome as you do snapping photos of the Leaning Tower of Pisa. 旅行的时候会到一些景点去,这是毫无疑问的,但是在罗马大街上拍照和在比萨斜塔游玩是一样的有趣。
The 21-year-old has even put the Eiffel Tower and the Leaning Tower of Pisa in an image of two light bulbs, while another image shows two birds scrapping in mid-air in a bulb. 这个21岁的年轻人甚至已经将埃菲尔铁塔和比萨斜塔分别放进了一张照片里的两个灯泡中,同时他的另一张照片则描绘了在灯泡中的两只鸟在半空斗架。
You can usually tell who these poor people are because they walk around the office tilted forward from the waist like a human leaning tower of Pisa. 你通常可以看出哪些人患有背痛,这些可怜的人在办公室里走动时,身体从腰部以上向前倾,看上去就像一座人形比萨斜塔。
The following year, Italian officials closed the Leaning Tower of Pisa. 第二年,意大利官方关闭了比萨斜塔。
A city in Tuscany; site of the famous Leaning Tower. 托斯卡的一座城市;是著名的比萨斜塔所在地。
In Pisa, I see the Leaning Tower of Pisa. 可是比萨斜塔为什么会倾斜呢?
The Leaning Tower began to tilt almost as soon as it was built on soft silt soil in 1173. 比萨斜塔自从1173年建立在软淤泥土上以来就开始倾斜。
The Leaning Tower of Pisa is one of the most interesting buildings in the world. 比萨斜塔是世界上最有趣的建筑物之一。
The Leaning Tower is leaning because it was built on soft sandy soil. 因为建于松软的沙质土壤,塔才会倾斜。
He was the man who climbed the Leaning Tower of pisa. 他是爬上比萨斜塔的那个人。
Last month, the area around the Leaning Tower opened to the public. 上月,斜塔周围区域对外开放。
An international team of building experts began a project to make sure the Leaning Tower does not fall down. 一个国际性的建筑专家队开始了修缮工程,以确保斜塔不会倒塌。
Professor Burland reports that a full-scale trial has been conducted on a seven-metre diameter set of foundations in the piazza: or square where the Leaning Tower of Pisa is located. 安赛乐米塔尔公司企业社会责任概述伯尔兰德教授报道说,已在比萨斜塔所在的广场对一组直径为7米的基础进行了全面试验。
Suzhou might just as well be likened to Pisa, for it has a leaning tower also. 苏州不妨可以和比萨相比,因为它也有一座斜塔。
There, you can visit many famous attractions in the world, such as Pyramids from Egypt, the Arc de Triomphe and the Eiffel Tower from France, and Pisa Leaning Tower from Italy. 在那里,你能看到许多世界著名景观,像埃及的金字塔、法国的凯旋门和埃菲尔铁塔以及意大利的比萨斜塔鞥;
They came to Pisa and saw the leaning tower. 他们来到了比萨也看到了斜塔。
Italian officials closed the Leaning Tower for safety reasons eleven years ago. 为安全起见,意大利官方已将其关闭了11年。
The ground is quite literally being readied to save the Leaning Tower of Pisa from collapse. 为拯救比萨斜塔免于倒塌,这一工程确已万事具备了。
The name the Leaning Tower of Pisa comes from the fact that this famous tower has a quite remarkable tilt to it. 比萨斜塔之得名是由于这座著名的塔有相当大的斜度。
From in this example in Leaning Tower of Pisa, I learned a lot of. 从比萨斜塔这个例子中,我学到了很多。
Sergio: Did you see the leaning Tower of Pisa? 塞吉奥:你参观比萨斜塔了吗?
My poster shows a stunning photo of the Leaning Tower of Pisa set against a spectacular sunset. 海报上显示的是壮观的日落映衬下的绝美无比的比萨斜塔。
I hear Pizza is a very beautiful city and is famous for her Leaning Tower. 听说比萨是个美丽的城市,还有著名的斜塔。
Based on a self-anchored leaning derrick suspension bridge project, this paper analyzes the mechanical property of steel tube truss leaning tower of the bridge. 以某自锚式斜吊杆悬索桥工程为背景,对该桥钢管桁架斜塔的力学性能进行分析。
Engineers are celebrating the completion of repairs to the Leaning Tower of Pisa. 建筑师们正在庆祝比萨斜塔的顺利修复。
Galileo lived in the city of Pisa, where there is a leaning tower about 180 feet high. 伽理略住在比萨城,那里有一座约180英尺高的斜塔。
1990-The Leaning Tower of Pisa is closed to the public due to safety concerns. 1990年的今天,比萨斜塔出于安全的考虑对公众关闭。
Did you pay a visit to the leaning tower in Pisa while you were in Italy? 你在意大利期间参观了比萨斜塔吗?
Therefore, the leaning tower was never straight. 因此,倾斜的塔身从来就没直过。